Lotus pedunculatus

Common name: Lotus.
Invasiveness: Not a major concern; mainly a garden weed and pasture species.
Control: Spray with Glyphosate* at label rates, or pull out by hand in small areas.
Rhododendron ponticum

Common name: Rhododendron 'Sir Robert Peel'.
Invasiveness: Very invasive tree weed. Seeds beneath and replaces native bush by producing toxic phenols and diterpenes.
Control: Cut, drill, and fill with Glysophate*.
Lilium tigrinum

Common name: Tiger lily.
Invasiveness: Moderately invasive in open areas.
Control: Spray with Escort or similar, or pull out by hand and dispose to landfill.
Iris feotidissima

Common name: Stinking iris
Invasiveness: Not sure if this is the correct ID for the plant in this photo. See more information at http://www.weedbusters.co.nz.
Control: Spray with Escort or pull out by hand.
Cotoneaster simonsii

Common name: Khasia berry.
Invasiveness: One of the most invasive cotoneasters. Spread by birds. Moderately shade-tolerant.
Control: Cut stems at ground level and apply herbicide (e.g., Vigilant gel, 10% glyphosate*). Spray smaller plants with Escort or similar.
Buddleja davidii

Common name: Buddleia.
Invasiveness: Very invasive in riverbeds and gravelly areas. Spread by fine seed.
Control: Cut stems at ground level and apply herbicide (e.g., Vigilant gel, 10% glyphosate*). Spray smaller plants with Escort or similar.
Zantedeschia aethiopica "Green Goddess"

Common name: Arum lily ("Green Goddess" variety).
Invasiveness: Very invasive variety of arum lily. Spread by bird-dispersed seeds and dumping.
Control: Very hard to kill. Try cutting off the stems and applying Vigilant gel.
Leycesteria formosa

Common name: Himalayan honeysuckle.
Invasiveness: Invasive in open areas, scrub, and disturbed forest but not very tolerant of shade. Spread rapidly by birds.
Control: Spray all foliage with glyphosate*, Escort, or similar.
Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora

Common name: Montbretia.
Invasiveness: Invasive along riverbanks and roadsides. A problem in gardens.
Control: Dig out all bulbs (this is difficult to achieve, however), and dispose at landfill. Otherwise, spray with Glyphosate* or Escort. Some follow-up will probably be needed.
Tradescantia fluminensis

Common name: Wandering Jew/Willie.
Invasiveness: Very invasive and shade-tolerant. Ground cover suppresses regeneration and invades forest floor. Spread by plant fragments.
Control: Hand-pull small areas, but be very thorough and dispose to landfill. Spray foliage with Grazon (easy and effective).
Hypericum androsaemum

Common name: Tutsan.
Invasiveness: Moderately invasive. Berries spread by birds.
Control: Spray with Glyphosate* or Escort. Do not pull out by hand, as brittle root will break and regrow.
Hypericum kouytchense

Common name: None.
Invasiveness: Moderately invasive. Spread by fine seeds (no berries).
Control: Spray with Glyphosate* or Escort. Do not pull out by hand, as brittle root will break and regrow.
Lonicera japonica

Common name: Japanese honeysuckle.
Invasiveness: Very invasive climber. Berries spread into forested areas by birds, or by cuttings in dumped garden rubbish.
Control: Cut at ground level and apply Vigilant gel to stem, or spray all foliage with glyphosate* or Escort.
Solanum chenopodioides

Common name: Velvety nightshade.
Invasiveness: Not a major problem. Spread by birds into disturbed scrub and forest margins.
Control: Pull out by hand and leave to rot, or spray with glyphosate*.
Calystegia silvatica

Common name: Greater bindweed.
Invasiveness: Moderately invasive climber, spread mostly by garden rubbish dumping (fragments).
Control: Spray with Escort.
* Glyphosate is the active ingredient in Roundup and a number of other similar products.